Friday 6 June 2008

Here it is Friday again......

Whew, this year is speeding past way too fast for me. I can remember as a child (back when dirt was young), time just dragged but now it passes me right by. Seems like just yesterday I was wondering if my sons would ever get grown and out of my hair, now I really miss those days. Oh well, enough of that on to the news.

Boo must have more energy than that Pink Bunny with the drum, she just keeps going 90 miles an hour. She didn't have enough to keep her busy with the stores she is in NOW she has joined another one, but this one is a little different. It is Commercial use products, you can see her products here at . If you ever thought about being a designer this is the store for you. I'll show some of her creations next post, but I can tell you they are beautiful.

Oh and she has a new add-on to Boo'Licious and it can be snagged on her blog. Click on the preview and it will take you to her blog.

Sometimes I think I NEED a new stick or two of RAM in my brain. Posting about the new store was part of what I had planned but I wanted to tell you there is a wonderful new kit over at DSO and it has Boo's name on it...LOL The kit is called Faded Bouquet and is very pretty and it is on sale. Click on the previews to go to Boo's DSO store. I'll show some of the layouts tomorrow, OK?

I also heard she has some more new kits in the works, and I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as they are in the stores. Also there are a couple of other things in the works, but I'll save some of that for tomorrow.

SO from Boo and her Blossoms, may you get rain if you need it, dry if that is what you need, but most of all Happy Scrapping to you all.


1 comment:

MissFoxy said...

You've been tagged!

These are the rules:

1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.